Can Car Insurance Tracking Devices Be Used Against Your Claim?
Many car insurance companies offer “Drive Safe” programs to help drivers save money on their monthly rates. What else might the insurance company be monitoring with these discount gadgets, though? And what may they do with such information in the future? Many people are unaware that if you decide to pursue legal action after being badly wounded in an accident, the insurance company can lawfully submit the data obtained about your driving patterns. Below, we discuss the risks of having an insurance tracking device in your vehicle, particularly after a crash that was not your fault.
What Types of Data is Being Collected By The Insurance Company?
When insurance companies enroll customers in a good driver discount program, they may use a smartphone app, a plug-in device, or a pre-installed tracking device to track and collect driving data. These tracking gadgets and applications are simply hooked into the car’s computer system to record, gather, and then send any stored data. These gadgets may collect information such as phone call records or data available through Bluetooth devices in addition to your driving patterns. Your insurance company’s ability to collect information about your driving habits might tell a lot about you. Unfortunately, this might backfire in a vehicle accident claim.
How Can the Data From My Safe Driver Device or App Be Used Against Me?
The issue is that your insurance provider may unfairly assign responsibility based on raw data from the tracking gadget. The information gathered by a Safe Driver device may be used to evaluate your driving habits. If you file an accident claim, it can be used to deny your claim based on anything as little as going five miles above the speed limit. Insurance companies do not want to spend any more money than they believe necessary. As a result, your driving data may be taken out of context, misunderstood, or utilized in a way that makes you look dishonest or undermines your credibility, even if the accident was not your fault and was caused by another driver’s irresponsible conduct. In this case, credibility is crucial.
If you’re a part of one of these programs, read the fine print and understand what information your insurance company gathers while you’re driving. Insurance companies do not all collect data in the same way. The insurance program you’re a part of and how they collect data will influence this.
Were You Injured in a Car Accident? Contact Us.
If you or someone you love was involved in an car accident in Kansas City, we highly advise you to consult an experienced attorney who is familiar with the techniques used by your insurance company to try to devalue or deny your claim. The attorneys at Goss Law Firm deal with these sorts of situations every day. Our office is ready to fight for your rights and get you the money you deserve for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. Give us a call today at 816-888-5000 to schedule a free, no-risk legal consultation.