Top 5 Halloween Safety Tips | The Goss Law Firm
For children across the U.S., Halloween is one of the most exciting days of the year. The get to dress up and collect candy, what more could they ask for? But while October 31st celebrates the “scary,” it’s important to take special safety measures to ensure that the spooks stay lighthearted.
According to Injury Facts, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than any other day of the year. In fact, in 2017, October ranked No. 2 in motor vehicle deaths by month. Here are five tips to remember in order to celebrate your Halloween safely.
1. Choose a Safe and Visible Costume
Most children love to pick out what they wish to dress up as for Halloween. And while it’s nice to give them the creative freedom to do so, it’s important to remember certain safety parameters by to keep in mind. Be sure that all costumes are safe and without any sharp objects and that they are bright and visible.
Purchase fire-resistant wigs and costumes wherever possible, utilize reflective tape and always teach children what they should do in case of an emergency, such as getting lost.
2. Use Caution When Carving Pumpkins
While carving pumpkins and making jack-o-lanterns can be a festive way to get into the Halloween mood, it is important to bear in mind that they can also pose a threat. Never allow small children to carve the pumpkin. Instead, they can draw what they want you to cut.
Do not use a full-size candle to light the pumpkin – only a votive. However, consider using something that creates the same effect without the flame (e.g. flashlight or glowstick). Finally, always ensure that candlelit pumpkins are placed out of reach of curtains, flammable objects, and especially paths where visitors may cross. It is imperative that they never be left unattended.
3. Keep Your Front Yard Free of Safety Hazards
It’s fun to decorate your home for trick-or-treaters, but in doing so you must still ensure that there are no safety hazards. This includes sweeping wet leaves from the sidewalk or stairs, restraining your pets, replacing burned-out light bulbs, and removing anything that a child could potentially trip over, such as a garden hose.
4. Trick-or-Treat Responsibly
It is also important that an adult always accompanies young children while they are trick-or-treating. Additionally, flashlights are always a good idea for each individual. Should your older children desire to go alone, be sure that you have reviewed a safe route and determined a specific curfew.
They must understand that they should only approach homes with lights on and should never enter a home or vehicle for candy. The most common injuries that children incur on Halloween are pedestrian injuries. Because of this, it is necessary to follow the following:
- Carry a cell phone
- Stay on the sidewalk and on well-lit streets
- Never cut across yards
- Only cross streets as a group
- Stay in a group
- Communicate your route
- If no sidewalk, walk on the far edge of the roadway facing traffic
- Never assume the right of way – even if you technically have it
If you see anything suspicious, be sure to alert law enforcement authorities immediately, such as dangerous drivers. Motorists should always watch for children and those less experienced behind the wheel should refrain from the road.
5. Check for Unwrapped or Suspicious Items
While one of the very best parts of Halloween is the candy, be sure that your children have a limit. It is best to eat a well-balanced meal prior to trick-or-treating so that as not to fill up on treats. Be sure to check your children’s candy to examine it for any unwrapped or suspicious items, which you should be sure to throw away.
We hope that by following these tips, everyone can enjoy a safe and happy Halloween!
The Goss Law Firm, P.C. Can Help
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident on Halloween due to the negligence or recklessness of another person, The Goss Law Firm can help. To learn more or to schedule a FREE consultation, call the Kansas City Lawyers at the Goss Law Firm at 816-527-8658 today!