Top 5 Words And Phrases You Should Never Tell An Insurance Adjuster
On the surface, insurance companies may seem to have your best interest at heart after getting injured in an accident. In reality, the only interest they are concerned with is their own. This means that it is an insurance adjuster’s job to minimize your accident claim in any way possible to avoid a complete payout by the company. It is easy for anyone to let their guard down when communicating with an insurance adjuster after a jarring accident. However, no matter how friendly and empathetic the adjuster may seem, you should be very mindful of the statements you make and have a personal injury attorney ready to combat any unnecessary prying. You must remember that all information you share with them will be recorded and, ultimately, can and will be used against you.
Here are a few words and phrases to avoid when talking to an insurance adjuster.
“I feel fine.” Injuries from serious accidents could take hours, days or even weeks to make themselves known. You also may need medical help later down the road due to injuries sustained in your accident. When you tell an insurance adjuster you feel fine, they would conclude that you suffered no injuries in your collision and give you a fraction of the settlement needed to pay for medical bills, transportation, and pain and suffering.
“I made a mistake.” A self-incriminating statement like this could make the adjuster determine that you were at-fault for the accident, whether fully or partially. You should never share any specific mistakes you made even when prompted, as this could unduly jeopardize your claim. Your accident still could have happened if you hadn’t made a certain mishap.
Specifically what you were doing at the time of the accident. You do not need to share this with your insurance company, and you shouldn’t. Insurance adjusters are professionals at twisting words and carefully connecting the dots to make it look like you were to blame for the accident.
The damage “isn’t that bad.” Like saying “I feel fine” when referring to your physical state, you should not say the damage to your car or property isn’t that bad. This downplays your claim and makes it look like you are not in need of significant compensation. There could be damage to your property that you cannot see that could lead to expensive repairs down the line that warrants sufficient coverage.
“I’m sorry.” You are not doing anything wrong by taking your time talking to your insurance adjuster. Conversely, you are not guilty of anything by not sharing information irrelevant to your accident. It is important to stand your ground when speaking with an adjuster, and dial down the vulnerability. Most of all, it is in your best interest to be represented by a professional personal injury attorney who will ensure that everything is communicated properly for your best chance at maximum compensation.
The only important information you should tell an insurance adjuster is the time, location, and people involved in your accident to start the claims process. All other inquiries should be directed to a personal injury attorney, who will know phoe to win the best possible compensation for you.
Attorneys Who Will Handle Insurance Adjusters For You
An accident can throw anyone off, making it hard to stay mindful of what you share when sitting down with an insurance adjuster. Unfortunately, insurance companies know this and will manipulate and pressure you into accepting a settlement way lower than what you deserve.
The Goss Law Firm attorneys understand that accident victims are vulnerable and unable to negotiate, resulting in their rights being disregarded. Our lawyers will directly take on the insurance companies for you and are prepared to litigate when you are unlawfully denied the compensation needed for a full recovery. Have you or a loved one suffered an accident and need representation for the insurance claims process? Contact The Goss Law Firm today by submitting an inquiry form on our website or call our office at 816-888-5000 for a free legal consultation today.